Monday, April 30, 2007


"Sometimes when Im too depressed or drowning in self doubt
I know that I can call your name, and you will pull me out.
You taught me that Im worth much more, than what I've always thought
You give my strength and confidence, so long that I have sought..." -my poem to you

Thank you for the gift of one final on finals week.
Thank you that it isnt until Thursday.
Thank you that I could buy pizza for my girls.
Thank you that I have been an RA
and thank you that its ending.

This is one chapter in my life I am excited about closing.
Not that it has been bad in any way,
but that I am excited for the next to begin.

You are so good to me.
Thank you.

"You're the reason I live, you the reason I am who I am. You're the reason I live and my life is for you. (only for you) only for you.
In all my life, in all my life, I've never known anyone who loves me like you.
In all my life, in all my life, I've never known anyone as awesome as you.
You're the reason I live. You're the reason I am who I am. You're the reason I live and my life is for you."

-song by Steve and Julie

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