Monday, April 23, 2007


Can we play sometime?
I want to run, laugh, smile, and have a tickle fight with you.
Is that too crazy a request?
I want to forget everything and just play.

Thank you for being present with me during James' and my conversation last night.
Im glad you were there.
Thank you so much for James.
Im glad he didn't walk out on me.
I like this new situation where I can tell people who I really am, say what I feel and they stick around.
Good bad and ugly, hes still here.
Thank you.

I think Dr. Seuss was on to something when he said:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind- don't matter, and those who matter- don't mind."


Thank you for creating me.
Thank you for the process of learning.
Thank you for making life interesting.
Thank you for men who love you.
Thank you for letting me be me.

I love you.

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