Saturday, May 19, 2007


Thank you that I am done with classes until Aug. And that I passed all my classes. I was kind of nervous there for a while.

You are so good to me! I really don't understand it. Thank you for the gift of life that you bless me with everyday, and provisions for food that come in the most comedic ways.

Lord you are good! Your mercy is new every morning. You are so great and oh, so good. Thank you.

I don't know how to say thank you enough. I pray that my life will be an endless thanksgiving to you and that the ways that I treat others will be out of thanksgiving. That I wont take any of my blessings and hoard them for myself but rather that I will give freely as you have given so freely to me. I pray that my life will be a living example of how great you are.

Ive been telling everyone all week that I'm your favorite, and I tell them stories of what you have done for me and they stand amazed how great you are. I think they are starting to realize that you love me.

My hope is that I could be a vessel that you use to show them how much you love them. That although I am your favorite, they are your favorite as well.

You are amazing. Thank you for life so that I can enjoy you. Thank you for creating me so that I can experience you.

I love you.

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