Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I wish I could re-arrange my sleeping and waking schedule. I wish I could rise each morning 20 min before the sunrises and walk/long-board/bike to Te Winkle Park and watch the sun come up each morning listening to the fountains and ducks.

Just being with you in the still hours of the morning before all of life gets crazy. Before most of Vanguard is awake, and only those who want to be awake are.

Going to sleep at a reasonable hour and getting enough sleep to be fully present with people when I am physically with them.

I long for the productiveness and happiness that always comes on the days that this does happen. Life is just happier.

Thank you that I have had times like this in the past that I can reflect on and strive for. Please help me to do the necessary things to make this a constant part of life.

Even though I don't show it all the time, I love you more than anything/anyone else.

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