Friday, June 22, 2007


amazing places to stay
a bed every night
friends who love me
mentors who care
Lanette keeping her baby
my own room
house mates
scrabble on vacation
James helping me move
Out to lunch
Dinner dates
Seeing Katie(s)

you have blessed me beyond measure, I know because I just tried and the words do you know justice. They don't even begin to tell of your greatness. I am your favorite. On me your favor rests. It does not make any sense to me.

The letter that came in the mail today- the one with bad news that made me cry... help me to see your will in all of this. Help me not to forget how faithful you have been. I want to remember your goodness when its hard. I want to trust you when there doesn't seem to be a way out. You are my only hope. You are all I have.

Please give me direction on what to do. I am going to ask James to come over today and pray with me about it. Maybe he will have an idea on what to do. I don't want to go around sharing my problems with everyone and whining about the situation I am in. However, if you have outside help for me, show me who I need to talk to. Make it clear.

Somehow in my lack, in my need, and in my debt- be glorified. May myself and others praise you for who you are. For your faithfulness and provision. I don't know what my options are. If its to drop out of school- may you be glorified. If its to work many more jobs- provide the opportunity. If it to take out another lone- make that clear.

I don't know how I will make it- but I trust you.

whether I win or lose, starve or feast- may you be glorified in my life and in all that I do.

Thank you for your many blessings.

You are good.

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